Namespace SearchAThing.Ext
- ExecResult
results of process executio
- HSObservableCollection<T>
ObservableCollection backed with hashset for the Contains test.
- InternalError
InternalError exception
- ObservableCollection2<T>
ObservableCollection specialized with ItemsAdded, ItemsRemoved that allow to track for Clear, Remove, Insert, Set actions
- PaperSize
hold paper size info
- RStruct<T>
encapsulate a value type object into a reference type in an immutable way; implicit conversion operator allow to access enclosed type
- RandomPasswordOptions
to generate a pin use follow config ( AllowLetter = false, AtLeastOneUppercase = false, Length = 4 )
- ReadOnlyHashSet<T>
enclose hashset to a readonly collection
- StringWrapper
wrapper for memory optimized string argument passing
- ValueObj<T>
useful if need to store quick tuple values into a list or dictionary and allowing further modification; without this retrieved tuple will a copy-value and tuple in collection remains unmodified.
- ColumnAlignment
generic enum for column alignment description
- PaperSizeEnum
standard paper sizes