Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CCsvHeaderAttributeallow to specify custom header instead of use property name
 CCsvColumnOrderAttributeallow to specify column order respect other object properties
 CCsvIgnoreAttributeignore specified property from being serialized to/from csv
 CCsvFilemanage csv file properties such as pathfilename, field separator, decimal separator and templated object columns
 CCsvOptionscsv reader/writer options
 CCsvReaderEnumeratorenumerates csv into objects
 CCsvReaderread data from csv creating a object enumerable. an object template with a property foreach csv column is required with same order as they appears in csv. attributes CsvHeaderAttribute and CsvColumnOrderAttribute can be specified on properties to custommize header and order
 CCsvWriterwrite object data to csv as row autogenerating first row header using object properties as name and order. attributes CsvHeaderAttribute and CsvColumnOrderAttribute can be specified on properties to custommize header and order