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Extensions Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static void ToCSV< T > (this IEnumerable< T > coll, string pathfilename, CsvOptions options=null)
 generate csv file from this object enumerable using properties name and their order as csv header. if specified propNameHeaderMapping allor to specify mapping between propertyname and a custom header. (useful if can't evaluated at compile time using CsvHeaderAttribute. More...

Member Function Documentation

◆ ToCSV< T >()

static void ToCSV< T > ( this IEnumerable< T >  coll,
string  pathfilename,
CsvOptions  options = null 

generate csv file from this object enumerable using properties name and their order as csv header. if specified propNameHeaderMapping allor to specify mapping between propertyname and a custom header. (useful if can't evaluated at compile time using CsvHeaderAttribute.

Type Constraints
T :class 

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